Friday, January 20, 2012

Response to: Open the Eyes of my Heart...

Something I've noticed is that we tend to take a lot of things for granted. I know that phrase is way overused, but do we TRULY know exactly what we take for granted? Do we look at ourselves in the mirror and think about what other people must go through and how difficult life has to be for them? Sure, we'll see someone who owns nothing and find that they are content, or someone with an extremely difficult past and find that they've forgiven and have been living to the fullest, but when the message comes from a 10-year old boy... who has to live partially sunken into his own world through Autism... but is also Blind... it really Opens our Eyes as to what we take for granted every single day! The song is so meaningful through the pure voice of this child... and if it doesn't do something to your heart, then play it again... and truly listen to the depth behind it.

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